A Spook-tacular Halloween trip to the end of the Northern Line

Monday 31st October saw an intrepid 8, journey to the furthest end of the Northern Line to face Enfield for our final game of the season. Messers Shute, Gamble, Ogg and Richards had some perfect pre-match preparation in a cheeky Nandos, whilst gents Bowen, Mann, Holah and Finch jnr braved a half lap of the M25. Ghosts of matches past suggested any result between a thrashing and a victory – only time would tell!!


Having had a halloween nightmare of his own, we were without Finch Snr – a match day maddy to add to his woes – so Gary “Banshee” Bowen stepped up to the mark and went in goal. A strong display as always from the Narwhals number 2!!

The game kicked off superbly, with Ed “Ghoulish” Gamble winning a swim-off (miracles do happen – I won another one as well!!). We had a strong first quarter, with Chris “Mummified” Mann re-finding his form and grabbing a superb goal from the top of the arc. It seems all those “King-Pin” sessions have helped!! Chris continued to be a threat from the top of the arc all game as Enfield double marked Oggy to try and stop him scoring 6 goals like he did in the home game. They sadly succeeded, with Andy “Ogre” Ogg only getting 2 goals on this occasion. By the end of the first quarter the score was 4-3 to Enfield, but we had worked hard to get those 3 goals.

The remaining 3 quarters saw the lead see-sawing between the two teams. Phil “Repulsive” Richards picked up 3 goals, whilst Nick “Spooky” Shute grabbed himself 2. Zac “fiendish” Finch also managed to get on the score sheet with a delightful lob to the far post. It is never fun to travel so far, but when you put in a good performance, it certainly makes it worth while!! Sadly we eventually sank to a 13-11 defeat – but with league survival secured, we were only playing for pride – and I think we did a good job at that!!

Man of the match this week wend to Chris Mann for being a constant menace from the top the arc. A near unanimous vote coincided delightfully with his birthday!! Hope you had a good one Chris!! Moment of the Match also went to the king of limoncello for a wonderfully well taken goal in the third quarter (an assist from Ed Gamble fyi…). A double whammy for the birthday boy!!

Fluffer this week should have gone to Finch Snr for his nightmare of an evening, but as he wasn’t at the game, we couldn’t give it to him. Fluff this week went to Andy “punchy” Ogg who ruined a well planned man-up situation by having a fight with a member of the opposition. We took a time out and everything and even told Phil not to shoot after 3 seconds. Little did we know Oggy would get a reversal within 5… Cheers Oggy…

Bringing this London League season to a close, we now have the delights of the Thameside League to look forward to. See you at the LAC on Monday!!

Forza Narwhali!!