Gotta Catch’em all…

Last Thursday saw the Narwhals travel down to Guildford – not only to scout out the pool for this weeks Cup Final, but also to play Guildford 1’s. Guildford hadn’t turned up all season, so this week they decided to bring a full squad of 13 to play against our goalkeeper-less 9 – some of whom were more interested in which Pokemon they could catch on the side of the pool… The final score finished in an 11-9 loss.

July 18th Stats

We didn’t help ourselves in the first quarter, with a number of shots going well off target as did a number of passes. We even managed to miss an open goal at one point… more on that later!! I feel we were slightly distracted by the excitement surround Phil’s new “Poo Corner” – so much so that I need 2 pre-match poos… After a disappointing first quarter (3-1), we managed to pull it back, drawing 9-9 at the end of the Third. We then failed to score at all in the 4th, resulting in the disappointing 2 goal defeat.

Man of the match this week went to Dan “solo goal” Bedford, who, in the words of Mr. Young was “better than alright”. Bedford managed to score a delightful goal that involved him stealing the ball and swimming the length of the pool. Very nice. By the end of the game he had managed to acquire enough experience points to evolve into a Charmander.

Moment of the match this week went to Nick “Ash Ketchum” Shute and his audacious lob. There wasn’t much else to praise in this game as by and large we played pretty badly. All I am expecting here is that we are experiencing the calm before the storm – the storm being tomorrow’s final!!

Fluffer this week went to John “missed opportunity” Holah – who despite picking up 2 goals – managed to miss an open goal when their keeper had been sent out. That being said, he did manage to pick up a major so is still well out in front in the battle to be the Major King!!

All that is left to be said is good luck for the Final!! Lets try and be “the very best, like no-one ever was…”

And finally, here is a picture of Nick Shute catching a Pokemon with his penis…
