Probably the save of the Century…

Hello all – for your entertainment today, please see the stats for this week below:

April 15th Stats

Wednesday saw us slide to a disappointing 12-9 defeat to a very beatable Croydon 2’s side. We were let down by our inability to play the referee and the fact we couldn’t stop their main player who scored 9 of their goals. On occasion we played well and scored some good goals, but when you only get one man-up, it is very difficult to capitalise!!

At the end of the game, the major count was 14-3, with Tadija, Finchy and Andy “goal hanger” Ogg the only players not to pick up an exclusion. Bedford managed to secure his first major of the season, and with majors being handed out like sweets, no one got a maddy!! Chris “frantic Two minutes” Mann had a highly productive time, racking up a major and three shots in under 2minutes. Great effort!!

Man of the Match this week went to Dan “Goals” Bedford for a few delightful finishes, although there were calls for this award to be removed given his missed penalty… but then I remembered that Oggy wimped out of taking it so I felt justified. Remember boys – you win it, you take it!!

Moment of the match was unanimously awarded to me for my epic block of Dave Leech at point blank range, tipping the ball onto the bar in front of an empty goal. It was truly sublime, and given we have no Maddy club this week, I have included an accurate recreation of this glorious moment for you all to marvel at!!

great save

Unfortunately Fluffer also unanimously went to me this week… What I failed to mention is that I shouldn’t have made that save in the first place. Three seconds before making my miraculous save, I had been excluded – therefore in saving the shot, I gave away a penalty and got myself wrapped – leading a strong charge on the Catas Trophy. All I can say is that the save of the season was worth it!!

Stats wise, Bedfore continues to lead the pack, with Nick falling further behind. In the race for the Catas Trophy, I have a small lead on Holah (who also picked up 3 majors this week), whilst Gary and Nick are tied on 9 each. Chapman remains Dead, Tim is still poorly, Tadija slowly climbs up the goal scoring charts and Phil has a poorly knee.

Last note from me – Social is on 23rd April and I have added to the site calendar. Make sure you are there!!

Forza narwhali!!